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Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 22 In English Subtitles

Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 22 In English Subtitles

Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 22 In English Subtitles I have killed the people inside. Mager was the height of forcing me to do that. Also, the terms of you people are of no importance. Now talk about my terms. My man froze will have to give me. I have to stay away from me by signing a peace agreement. And then do whatever you want with Done Diego.

You are not in condition of offering conditions

Who are you talking to me in this way. I am the Envoy of the Rise Reyes. My point is, that’s it. You don’t have the power to compete with us, Saleem. Don’t lose your life and islands. Leave the island safe. I also have the power to get Jejal back. Hand the frost me. Peace and stay away from me. This is the last chance. I have accepted my terms. Will hand over the froze. I said that. If they scare them, these people will step back. First hand over the frost.Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 22 In English Subtitles

From this height you will rub the nose in front of you seeing

What happened, what did Salem say؟ Will Done Diego give or not؟ Then he will enter into a peace agreement. Ali al-Aalan is hiding our enemy. And will hand over this dog too, yes؟ Yes, hiding our enemy. Jejal is also threatening to snatch. That is, there is a very powerful man. We should also answer it. The answer will be sent with this man.

As a reply Salem will hand over his man

Given, that’s the best answer. The rest of the talks can now be held from the rise. I haven’t eaten since I came, son. Revenge was at the tip of my sword. Mugger got out of hand. The heart did not get cool. Couldn’t fulfill your promise. There was a path that snatched our girls and our lives. Jejal, snatched from his hand. Now take off this black stripe with your sword and calm the heart. Don’t find peace. The reason for this grief is Done Diego. Now he is going to the islands and sitting in refuge.

My heart is sadly filled with it when it comes out of our hands

This black strip tied to my sword. And this sword, their burden is growing on me. The rich of the islands did not hand over Done Diego. So as angry with them, Toto, remind them of the limit. We will take revenge every situation. You can do this together with the rise of Agha. If you are so sad and upset, we will be upset too. Raise your head and bring a smile on the face.Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 22 In English Subtitles

It’s habit, planting in a conquered place

It is a sign that we have made this place home and blessed. That is, things that make the earth a homeland, just a sword, not to fulfill the commandments and shed blood. But there is also a sign of love and effort. Our goal is not just to conquer the castle. The goal of world rule is to fill it all. You continue daughter. I’m sorry Baba. I didn’t look, so sounded.

Where are you going so quickly

The news has come from the capital. Sultan Bisad has been ousted from the throne. Prince Saleem has become Sultan. That was what was expected to happen. Will the situation of the empire change؟ In which the empire is well, it has happened. Even after now, it will be the same, in which it will be good, in God. Prince has known the winner since childhood Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 22 In English Subtitles

Barbarossa Season 1

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