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Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 13 in English Subtitles

Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 13 in English Subtitles

. I’m so sad you killed him with your hands. That’s what luck wrote. I did what I should have done, the rise! That dog traitor has caused the death of my father and my sister. I will not just take my revenge on him. As long as he lives, we will be just as harmful in our way.Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 13 in English Subtitles

 My goal is to stop it We need to attack before

the Shahbaz and Gabriel move forward. Get quickly and lay siege to Modon. Then the war will begin. I mean, you bought a ship and you want to work in the oceans, right؟ Then why didn’t your brother ask for a plane from the rise.Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 13 in English Subtitles

 I attached a lot of hope to be the captain

of my ship. Mugger will no longer bend his face on the ground because of them. So you’re the only one who can ask for help, Pasha! Be obedient in this way, obey Pasha, will kill you too. Elias will buy a ship for himself. Provide as much as you hear. Like your order, sir! We will also help find ships. Don’t worry too much. I will always be with you

 You will work in the oceans

. Those who see you as just a soldier will be forgiven a thousand times, a thousand times. Soldiers are preparing for war. So as soon as possible, Modon will be besieged. Here is the main bridge of Modon Castle. We will surround it with ships.

If they do not give the evidence

So you will lose the fort. You are preparing for the siege of Modon, the rise! How can you do this without state order؟ They are protecting the Shahbaz against us. They are destroying peace and declaring war. What should we do؟ The state is also preparing for the Great War with Veneedik.

Kamal Raees is building a fleet

. This does not mean that we do not know, they are enemies. But it’s not a siege time. He forgave her when the Gabriel dog was under my sword. Now he is showing more hostility. But you say: Stop. Is it possible,Barbarossa Season 1 Episode 13 in English Subtitles

Mr. Hamza Gabriel and Shahbaz

will unite and attack us for revenge. If we do not stand in front of them. Modon Castle is not as easy as swallowing the word. It is impossible for you to lay siege alone. Have calculated everything. We will besiege the fort with the ships.

Barbarossa Season 1

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